How Often Should I Get Eye Exams?
Your dentist has probably told you to get a cleaning and exam every six months, but how often should we get eye exams?
Your dentist has probably told you to get a cleaning and exam every six months, but how often should we get eye exams?
Among the many changes our bodies undergo as we get older are the changes to our eyesight.
An estimated 90% of eye injuries are preventable if the right eye protection is worn.
We wouldn’t have gone into the optometry field if we weren’t fascinated by eyes, and there are some incredible ones in nature.
Digital screens have become an increasingly prominent part of our lives in recent decades.
A staple of every school nurse’s office is the big E eye chart.
We tend to think of 20/20 vision being a synonym for perfect eyesight, but that isn’t quite true.
We’ve all heard that eating carrots will give us amazing eyesight.
Wearing glasses can be a big adjustment for kids when they’re just starting out.